The latest on register-based research
Record news - 5 september 2019
Status report 2019 for Swedish National Quality Registers published
At the end of August, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) published t…
Record news - 12 september 2019
Grant decision within register-based research
The grant decisions for research environments and research schools within register-based research ha…
Record news - 19 August 2019
Statistics Sweden’s user survey on MONA published
This spring, Statistics Sweden conducted a survey among users of the MONA (Microdata Online Acce…
Record news - 11 July 2019
Nordic data protection authorities deepen their cooperation
At the annual Nordic data protection meeting, which this year was arranged by the Swedish Data P…
Event - 15 October 2019
Workshop on register-based randomised clinical trial
On 15th October 2019, Forum Uppsala-Örebro and the Uppsala Clinical Research Center are organis…
Record news - 4 July 2019
Improved conditions for R-RCT
A development initiative on register-based randomised clinical studies (R-RCT) has been carried …
Event - 26 September 2019
Open Days 2019 at Registerservice
The National Board of Health and Welfare’s Registerservice invites you to its Open Days on 26t…
Event - 19 November 2019
Register-based research and open access to research data at IFISS 2019
How do you find relevant digital information in research today? What is register-based research, ope…
Record news - 14 May 2019
Become a superuser at the National Board of Health and Welfare
Does your organisation want to save time in the process of ordering data? Then why not register your…
Event - 18-20 September 2019
Nordic conference on epidemiology and register-based research in health
The 9th Nordic Conference of Epidemiology and Register-based Health Research takes place in Tampere,…